Monday, March 22, 2010


i just got back from five days in the village. not gonna lie, it was totally scary and definitely challenging. my family has about thirty people in it and we spend most of our time hanging out in the center of the compound. i have my own room and electricity. actually, that's a lie. i share a room with a giant spider. his name is sir legsalot and he eats other bugs.

in the morning i get up at about 7:30 but roosters start crowing at about 5:30. i take a bucket bath and my host sister makes me half a baguette with butter and really really milky coffee. then i go to language class for about four hours. i go home for lunch at 1 and we usually eat at 2. for lunch i eat around a giant bowl with my family. most days they make me eat twice at the different bowls around the compound. everyday we have rice with fish and vegetables. it's called ceebujen. after lunch i take a nap, wake up sweating and head back to class at four. in the afternoon my language group (2 other people) and my teacher work on our garden. two days ago, i was going from house to house collecting manure and sifting out the chunks with an onion sack. at seven we have some tea and i usually sit around with my family until dinner. i have dinner with my family and its usually cous cous or rice with a thin fishy sauce. they also make me a special dinner because i'm a guest. i'm always stuffed and super full.

okay, i'm tired of blogging now so i'll try to do more later. no pictures yet b/c i didn't bring my camera to the village. i'll be there for nine days next time and there is no internet so i'll ttyl. love you guys.

Friday, March 12, 2010


day three:
hi you guys. i'm having lots of fun here in africa. i only have three mosquito bites. we're all holed up in a peace corps training center and it feels like camp! we sleep dorm style in converted barracks, have three meals a day, meet underneath an open hut thingy and break off into training sessions! it's great. today, we learned a tiny bit of wolof and i learned how to make a garden bed using double digging. we also learned how to make a moringa seed bed. moringa is a very nutritious plant. that's all i really know about it so far. yesterday i tried traditional tea, kola nut, all kinds of juices, and tooth sticks. for lunch we sit on the floor and eat around a gigantic bowl. very exciting. leave me some comments! bye!