i've been at IST for the past two weeks so i've been in thies gaining back all the weight i lost in village. food is delicious and abundant here. i've been eating: salads, pasta, ramen, lots of chicken, paninis, and other various items. We were all so happy to see each other again yet unaccustomed to spending so much time with other american people so we all started to go a little bit crazy. this coming week i will be working at an embassy sponsored english camp. i'm looking forward to teaching english and working with motivated young people.
here are some pictures from july fourth in beautiful kedegou:
this is a really cute animal we made friends with at the campement we stayed at

look at how beautiful kedegou is:

this is the room we stayed in! cute hut + air conditioning

mika in all of his america gear

they put these goats in bags and then tied them to the roof of our car