All that food right before bed during Ramadan has prompted my dormant insomnia to come raging back full force. Fortunately, as a result of all that extra time laying around in bed I've come up with a pretty cool (i think) project. What's cool about it is that it involves you guys, my dear readers- my most beloved friends and family-and everyone else in America that reads this. I know you guys are all so proud of me and so impressed and blah blah blah so here is a cheap and fun way to help me out plus you get something in return:
You send me a postcard from wherever you live in the good ole US of A and (on the same day i recieve it!) I will send you one from Senegal.
The whole point of this is to promote the second and third goals of the Peace Corps which involve cultural exchange. I plan on getting all the postcards together and showing them to the school kids in my neighboorhood while matching up the locations on a map. Cool right? You get a postcard from Africa and my young friends here get to see America. As my work here progesses I can use the postcards as a learning tool in classrooms once school starts again, in girl's and boy's clubs, in the english club at the high school, etc. I'm really excited about this and I hope you are able to help me out! Postcards cost $0.98 to send and they usually cost about a dollar at most. The kids here don't usually get to see images of America except through TV maybe. Schoolbooks here are scarce and so are magazines and other reading material. Part of the reason I'm here is to teach people about America and how great it is there so I'm hoping you'll give me the oppurtunity to do exactly that! Thanks!
My address:
Jessica Goza
BP 325
Kaolack, Senegal
West Africa
And here are some photos b/c a blog without photos sucks:
They got me to wear orange. This was at a TB event. All the volunteer health workers (relais) wore matching fabric. I look silly.

well i guess one photo since i haven't figured out picasa yet.
You send me a postcard from wherever you live in the good ole US of A and (on the same day i recieve it!) I will send you one from Senegal.
The whole point of this is to promote the second and third goals of the Peace Corps which involve cultural exchange. I plan on getting all the postcards together and showing them to the school kids in my neighboorhood while matching up the locations on a map. Cool right? You get a postcard from Africa and my young friends here get to see America. As my work here progesses I can use the postcards as a learning tool in classrooms once school starts again, in girl's and boy's clubs, in the english club at the high school, etc. I'm really excited about this and I hope you are able to help me out! Postcards cost $0.98 to send and they usually cost about a dollar at most. The kids here don't usually get to see images of America except through TV maybe. Schoolbooks here are scarce and so are magazines and other reading material. Part of the reason I'm here is to teach people about America and how great it is there so I'm hoping you'll give me the oppurtunity to do exactly that! Thanks!
My address:
Jessica Goza
BP 325
Kaolack, Senegal
West Africa
And here are some photos b/c a blog without photos sucks:
They got me to wear orange. This was at a TB event. All the volunteer health workers (relais) wore matching fabric. I look silly.

well i guess one photo since i haven't figured out picasa yet.