Wednesday, September 14, 2011


so i feel bad because it's been a year and i haven't blogged. actually, that's a lie. i don't feel bad.

my mother always said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it all. so i've been silent.

i don't really know how to sum up a whole year in a blog post so i'll start with the most recent things:
1. Moringa Tour- My friends Ari and Carla had the genius idea of planting intensive beds of Moringa, a highly nutritious but underused plant, in many villages. In July, we visited 20 something villages and planted beds of Moringa with the intention of returning to teach them how to utilize it. Last week, my friend Andrew and I visited 24 sites teaching rural community members how to dry Moringa leaves to maximize the nutritional benefits.

2. Spain- I went to Barcelona and Valencia to see the sites this past August. Honestly, it was hard to return to Senegal. Barcelona is such a beautiful city full of culture, food, friendly people, art etc. My friend Mika, sissy and I went to the Tomatina tomato throwing festival in a cute little town called Bunol. It was so much fun. I love it there.

Those are the main things. Other activities include: 4th of July, hiking water falls, visiting Mika's site, biking, helping out with trainings, painting murals, holding health talks, visiting St Louis for Jazz Festival, WAIST and dressing up as a hotdog, going home to US for vacation, tonsillectomy, seeing my friends and family at home, Halloween and dressing up like a banana, butchering and frying a turkey for thanksgiving, trying to organize projects for my community, celebrating victories and mourning losses, making friends and having them move away, lots of laundry by hand etc etc etc

so, as you can see i've been too busy to blog. but i enjoy hearing from everyone regardless and i am looking forward to seeing every one face to face one day.

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