Monday, April 19, 2010


HI GUYS! I AM BACK FROM MY VOLUNTEER VISIT. i saw my village! it's not the most beautiful place in the world but i know the work is going to be good and i'm going to have electricity and a robinet just outside my door! so lucky, right? my family seems really laid back and i'm looking forward to moving there in the middle of may.

Jessica Goza
c/o Stephanie Shumsky
BP 325
Kaolack, Senegal
West Africa

the c/o stephanie shumsky only applies until may 15 when i can officially get my name on the box! so of course, feel free to start sending mail over there!

Today we visited dakar and we saw the new huge statue and all the cool expat spots that i one day hope to frequent. we had chinese food for lunch and gelato for dessert! crazy! haha. anyway, it was a nice change from the usual and even though we were basically a gigantic toubab tour bus, it wasn't so bad.

i'm trying really hard to upload photos and once i do that i will feel less guilty about my future blog entry in which i ask for lots of things and give specific instructions on how to mail me stuff. well, i love all my fans. thanks for the comments! they are really quite encouraging and i love the pop culture updates. i wish you could see the stupid smile that appears on my face as i read them. actually, i'm glad you can't. it would be embarrassing.


  1. Well well well what do we have here? If it isn't the latest peace corps blogger! OMG, I am so excited to read all about your adventures, especially the part about wiping your ass with your hand! Someone's definitely become a man ;) I'd definitely trade places though makes working in an office seem like...well working in an office. FML! Anyways, hope everything is going well and I can't wait for you to get the million dollar care package I sent out about a week and a half ago. Bastards better not pilfer anything or me and my desert eagle are going to have to pay west africa a visit! Hope you're thinking of me lots and I miss you more than anything in the world! Signed, Boy

  2. Also

  3. keep up the good work Jess- yip
