Thursday, April 8, 2010

site annoucements


i don't have internet, a post office, or barely even cell phone reception where i live. yesterday, i found out where i am going to live for the next two years! it was a very exciting and emotional experience for all of us. first we were blindfolded then we were led to a spot on a map on the ground where we are going to live. i can't say exactly where i live for safety reasons but it is near the top border of the gambia. more news when i find out more! haha


  1. Yo! Safety reasons? That's sketchy. At least you'll be down where it's tropical, right? Watch out for those sketchy Frenchy ex-pats, out looking for their young African mistresses. I like the gardening stuff, and isn't the familial eating fun?? It's also fun to just say "Wow" a lot

    In other pop-culture news: Oprah Winfrey and John Tesh boinked way back in the 70s. The Pope forgave the Beatles for being bad role models. Lil Wayne is in jail, I think. Lost is almost over, and it turned out it was all Hurley's dream.

  2. you never told me about this. luckily, i'm sneaky and found out about it anyway. so many things remind me of you, i'll be lucky when you come home. i really missed you last night. i wasn't even doing anything in particular, i just had a swell of emotion. anyway, i'm keeping an eye on you. i have to go now, i'm going to sow my wild oats.
