Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last Week Before Swear In

Hello Fans!

Today, I said goodbye to my training host family that I have been staying with on and off for the past two months. It was hard to leave such a loving, welcoming and warm family and I definitely cried. All the kids just surrounded me as I loaded my things into the Peace Corps car and my two sisters that take care of me were just standing there. People here don't cry and they aren't very affectionate so I'm sure the children were all alarmed. Ha Ha. I tried to load my favorite kid, Matar, into the car but he wasn't having any of it and he started crying too. I told him I was taking him with me so I don't know what he was so upset about. :)

Now I'm back at the training center for five days, I have to pass a language exam, then I'll be sworn in at the capitol as an official Peace Corps Volunteer! Finally! Training has been draining. Learning this crazy new language has been intense and the pressure to perform is so high. In addition, I'm missing my family, Armand and all of my friends at home. In general, I'm just missing my life. Things are so different here, obviously. The pace of life, the gender roles, the way I wash my hands and get ready for bed, the way I eat, even my name. Oh by the way, my name here is Mari Bop. Next week, when I go to my new village, I might get a new first name but I'm hoping to just keep the one I have. I'll also get a new last name to match the family I'll be living with. I also got some new Senegalese clothes that I will have to find some pictures of. They are ridiculous by American standards and I can't wait for you guys too see them!

As for things back at home, I'm disappointed that I had to miss Mother's Day and that I will be missing Jennifer's graduation and 22nd birthday! I will also be missing Armand's and my dad's birthday. This causes me enormous heartbreak which is a phrase I would never have ever thought of using in America. But hey, things are different here. I want to be around for my friends and especially, my family but I realize I can't be the same daughter, friend, sister, girlfriend etc. they way I used to be and it really really really upsets me. I hope that the work I do here is meaningful and fulfilling enough to make up for the fact that I'm really lacking in the relationships department.

Overall, I'm glad that I'm here and I'm happy to only have a mild case of diarrhea. I earned my first gold star in country just yesterday! what a disaster that was. there's no way i'm explaining what that is here so if you don't know, use google.

Thanks for reading this far! More later!


  1. you'll also be missing MY birthday...and i guess raina's too. but that's okay, because you're doing more important things there than i am here. i just love reading and re-reading these few blog posts. you need to start one where you say mean and offensive things without smily faces so when i'm missing the old jessica i can remember she still exists. only now she's deep deep deep down inside the soul of mari bop, living in a hut, somewhere in africa.
